The Contribution of e-Health to the Health System. Reassessment of the Health Systems in View of the Pandemic

Introduction: In Greece, the organization of health systems panders the production and distribution of health services and the health of citizens. The recent spread of the pandemic COVID-19, has excluded many groups of people from visiting health services, having as a consequence the jeopardization of the safe care of patients with chronic problems. Purpose: To imprint the existing deficiencies of health services. Describing the contribution of e-Health to health services, it is attempted the registration of the benefits that can be offered both in everyday life and in times of pandemic, while, they are also explored the obstacles that accompany the digital applications. The modern practice of medicine requires a lot of information and the use of the most advanced Information and Communication Technologies becomes an urgent need. Material and Method: A critical review of the existing literature was conducted by searching and collecting the material in the online databases Pubmed and Google Scholar. Published research studies and articles in reputable specialized journals were included. The following keywords were used in the process of investigating the bibliography investigation process: “e-Health”, “Telemedicine”, “Health System”, “Economic Crisis”, “Greece”. Results: The main findings of the study show that the shortcomings of the health system and the gap between the needs and benefits can be significantly reduced from the use of e-Health products and services based on digital technologies. Their use contributes to the health promotion of developing and developed countries by representing a human-centered health system focusing on the citizen, providing knowledge and informations based on documented practices, without inequalities. Finally, by fueling the research, they contribute not only to the development of innovative services and interventions, but also to the better management of insufficient medical resources. Conclusions: The offer of e-Health services and especially of telemedicine, is proved to be necessary with multiple benefits for health and the economy even in times of pandemic. In Greece, the lack of strategic organization and the economic crisis are deterrents to the implementation of e-Health services.

Category: Volume 59, N 3
Hits: 579 Hits
Created Date: 15-12-2020
Authors: Vasiliki Kourkouni , Michael Igoumenidis