The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Τreatment of Chronic Ulcers

Introduction: The administration of hyperbaric oxygen has been found to contribute to improve management and healing of chronic ulcers that affect a large proportion of patients and put in danger their lives and functionality. Aim: The purpose of the present systematic review was to explore the effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in chronic ulcers’ healing. Spefically, the effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy was investigated in relation to complications and outcomes in different types of chronic ulcers. Material and Method: Literature published between 2006 and June 2017 was researched using Pubmed. The research occurred through all levels of evidence. Inclusion criteria were the English language and original research studies. The key words "hyperbaric oxygen therapy", "chronic ulcers" and "ulcers" researched as part of the title, abstract or entire article. Totally 216 studies were retrieved from which only 13 included in the present systematic review. Results: The majority of studies includes patients with diabetes mellitus and ulcers in legs. The main outcome was that hyperbaric oxygen therapy contributes to reduce the rate of hospitalization, improve patients’ quality of life and their rehabilitation, and fasten ulcers’ healing. It is important to mention that benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy emerge as a part of a combined therapy. Also, hyperbaric oxygen therapy leads to faster ulcers’ healing and reduction of amputations when it is administered with other medicines. Conclusion: The hyperbaric oxygen therapy is significantly effective in legs’ ulcers management among patients with diabetes mellitus as it also reduces the cost of healthcare services. Nevertheless, it is imperative to investigate in future the effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on other types of ulcers, as it is observed a gap of knowledge.

Category: Volume 58, N 1
Hits: 540 Hits
Created Date: 15-03-2019
Authors: Maria-Eleni Tsoukala , Georgios Vasilopoulos , Martha Kelesi , Maria Charcharidou