The Cultural Aspect of Human Rights Violation: Consequences on Sexual and Reproductive Health

Introduction: Sexual and reproductive health and human rights are fundamentals for the individual, family and social development and they are all influenced by cultural issues. However, it is not yet approached in detail, the effect of sexual and reproductive human rights violation on individuals’ health status and on society. Aim: This article aims to review scientific data regarding sexual and reproductive human rights violation, according to different cultures, and its effects on individuals, health status and society, in order to propose measures that should be adopted and could lead to the promotion of sexual and reproductive health. Method: A literature search for Greek and International original or review studies, concerning sexual and reproductive human rights’ violation, was performed in PubMed, WHO, FRA europa, Amnesty International, UNRIC, Google Scholar, Google as well as in the Greek book “Transcultural Nursing and Cultural Competence for Healthcare Professionals”. The literature search was done from April to May 2015. Inclusion criteria were the written language (English or Greek), and publication date (articles published before 2007 were excluded). Results: The most substantial sexual and reproductive human rights’ violation issues were found to be associated with minorities’ marginalization, homophobia, forced marriage, illegal or imposed abortion, female genital mutilation as well as with domestic and sexual violence that millions of women and children undergo in different countries around the world. At an individual level, the impacts of these situations are involved in emotional instability, depression, suicidal ideation, self-destructive and dangerous behaviors. In occasions of genital mutilation, violence, illegal abortion or sexual intercourse with under-aged girls, various organic health problems may also occur, that can possibly lead up to death. As regards to their impacts on society level, it was shown that equality; development and meaningful peace are affected. Conclusions: Many hazardous to health practices are performed worldwide, having as an ultimate goal to achieve a compatible cultural model, imposed by social expectations and context, while many societies have unjust laws in order to preserve their cultural model, from anything unacceptable and strange.

Category: Volume 55, N 2
Hits: 654 Hits
Created Date: 15-06-2016
Authors: Georgia Fritaki , Dimitra Kremmida