The Βiopsychosocial Μodel of Work Stress in the Health Professions

Background: Recent studies carried out in various different countries have shown extremely high rates of stress and burnout in medicine, nursing and the other health professions compared to the general working population. Aim: The aim of this paper is to provide a review of the health consequences of work stress in Greek health professionals and to demonstrate the need for a biopsychosocial model as the theoretical basis for the better understanding and handling of work stressors associated with personal and social factors. Method: Search was made in the Medline/PubMed, PsycINFO and PsychLit from 1975-2009 using key words such as “stress”, “work stress”, “health professions”, “biopsychosocial model”. Results: The literature review confirmed the hypothesis that ill health can result from work stress, with the addition of the emotional and sociological components of stress pathology. The biopsychosocial model of health behaviour clearly states that mental health is based on biological, psychological and social determinants. This model can thus help in the early detection and prevention of stress-related illnesses at work in the health care setting. Conclusions: Based on the evidence showing that work stress plays a crucial role in the presentation, development and aggravation of a variety of diseases, the work stress phenomenon deserves more attention. There is a need for health professionals to be trained at the personal and the group level in order to improve their communication skills and to be able to confront daily emotional hassles successfully and to develop positive and constructive care-giving relationships with their patients.

Category: Volume 49, N 4
Hits: 565 Hits
Created Date: 15-12-2010
Authors: Aimiliza Stefanidou , Liza Varvogli , Miltiadis Livaditis , Paraskevi Argyropoulou-Pataka