Home nursing care of cancer patients with pain from bone metastases

Appropriate management of patients with bone metastases problems at home, presupposes the existence of organized home care services. Home care is the extension of hospital and individualized care, in the family setting. Nurses are the milestone of the health team, holding a multiple role. The aim of the present systematic review was the evaluation and synthesis of the results of already published nursing studies, regarding the management of cancer patient’s bone pain at home in order to recognize, determine and evaluate the existing nursing interventions. Systematic review of articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, and educational programs. Time (1990–2005) and language (English, Spanish and Italian) limitations were set. Moreover all article reports fulfilling the inclusion criteria of this study were reviewed. Systematic review findings showed the existence of a psychological educational nursing intervention (PRO–SELF Pain Control Program) and its results are presented in eleven secondary analyses. In two other studies, the importance of comprehension of dimensions of pain, from the patients, caregivers and nurses was also recognized. Findings of these studies are probably the basis of further therapeutic and educational nursing interventions. The study field of patients with cancer and bone metastases is open to future nursing interventions, as the detailed bibliography review showed the absence of such studies, as well as their importance and necessity.

Category: Volume 47, N 3
Hits: 507 Hits
Created Date: 15-09-2008
Authors: Eleftheria Tzamakou , Elissavet Patiraki