The role of Health Information Systems in organization and management of nursing practice

Following technological development in the fields of health care and at the same time moulding the 21st century Hospital, health care information systems create an information infrastructure fully corresponding in users’ demands. In an international scale, there is a significant amount of software developed for various demands such as classification of patients within a department, staffing a health care department, data processing that concern management and administration of human resources, organizing and administrating patients and diseases in a health care department, organizing patients’ care, whilst in advanced Health care Informative Systems, one can take advantage of the potentiality of data processing. The output of this process can help advising for health care procedures or even diagnosis. Health care informative systems are not widely used in Greece on account of significant lack of specialized and trained staff, lack of a potent investment percentage within the regular budget of health institutions to develop information technology and finally lack of a statutory institution for issues concerning medical and health care informatics. Development of Informative Health care Systems could mainly contribute to the attenuation of excessive cost needed for nursing patients since there is a capability of controlling materials, tests, etc. Moreover it could ameliorate productivity in the fields of pricing and filing, reduce nursing and medical lapses, minimize undue treatments and improve the quality of health care.

Category: Volume 47, N 3
Hits: 758 Hits
Created Date: 15-09-2008
Authors: Nickolaos Ch. Tsaloukidis , Dimitrios E. Papageorgiou