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Introduction: Nursing workload (NW) measurement scales are valuable tools for assessing the quality of care provided and nursing staffing. ..
Category: Volume 54, N 3
Tobacco use prevention should start from childhood and be targeted on the avoidance of consuming cigarettes and other tobacco ..
Category: Volume 54, N 2
Smoking as an addictive habit, starts in childhood or early adulthood, causing extensive health problems and about 4.9 million ..
Category: Volume 54, N 2
Introduction: The harmful effects of passive smoking on the health of children have been documented by many studies, which ..
Category: Volume 54, N 2
Introduction: Television is, nowadays, one of the major means of information, education and entertainment, not only for adults but ..
Category: Volume 54, N 1
Introduction: Disaster events require the development of disaster management strategies. Nurses play a key role in disaster management. Aim: ..