Research on the influence of health care professionals’ personal experience of pain on the management of pain

Aim: The aim of this study was to explore the way the personal experience of pain affects the attitude of health care professionals towards the management of patients’ pain. MATERIAL-Method: The research was conducted in a Greek general hospital and it was undertaken between May and September 2004. Five health care professionals who have had personal experience of pain participated in this study. Qualitative methods of enquiry were employed and a phenomenological approach was adopted, based on un-structured interviews. Results: All participants recognized the lack of education and the staff’s insufficient knowledge of pain management. However they assessed that the personal experience of pain is a chance for self-criticism. They also noticed that after this experience they were more sensitive on the problem of pain and more aware about the patients’ needs while they experience pain. Furthermore they proposed educational interventions that will focus on the patient’s holistic approach and to the development of the professionals’ communication skills. Conclusions: According to the findings the personal experience of pain can enable the health care professionals to a better approach and understanding of pain which can lead to the advancement of its management.

Category: Volume 46, N 3
Hits: 365 Hits
Created Date: 15-09-2007
Authors: Ourania Pediaditaki , Ioannis Tsikoulas , Dina Coutsaftiki