Body weight control in type II diabetes Health-education interventions

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease with increasing incidence all over the world. In Europe it is estimated that until 2010, 33 million people will be affected by the disease. Morbid obesity is also a serious medical problem which is continuously expanding. These two conditions together are responsible for the emergence of a new devastating disease, “diabesity” (increased body weight and obesity-related diabetes). A multifactor approach is warranted to successfully control body weight in patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. Changes in the dietary habits, physical exercise as well as behavioral changes may be needed. The quality and amount of food intake ("what” and “how much” we eat) are of great importance for the diabetic patient. Coming to an accommodation to the “must” the diabetic should know “why” and “how”. This is a specific task of a professionally trained group of experts, incorporating a variety of medical and health-related specialties (Health Professionals). The advantages of physical exercise are well known since the era of Aristotle. Performed on a regular basis, exercise improves personal emotion, self-respect and decreases the incidence of premature mortality, obesity, hypertension and insulin-independent diabetes mellitus. Health Professionals possess a central role in the treatment of patients with “diabesity”. With their intervention to the patients’ and their families’ life-style they may increase the time for the complications to supervene, and as a consequence they may increase the wellbeing duration for these patients. The family role should be specifically emphasized. Family members can support the patient during convalescence and more importantly may persuade the patient to follow the strict instructions and medical treatment suggested by the health professional.

Category: Volume 46, N 3
Hits: 344 Hits
Created Date: 15-09-2007
Authors: Agoritsa G. Koulouri