The role of Assistive Technology in the Occupational Therapy

Introduction: Assistive Technology consists a concept with great appeal and contribution to the occupation therapy science. The categories and types of Assistive Technology can help people who face mobility, communication, speech problems and all kinds of development difficulties. In this context, the contribution of technology is decisive, as through the organized application of devices, technolo gies, software and systems, the functionality of people with disabilities is improved. The example of computer access by people with disabilities, through which people can meet their needs for independent living in the workplace, entertainment, communication and increase their independence and selfconfidence is very important. Therefore, Assistive Technology consists a very important tool for the occupational therapy science, as through it, the socializa tion of the individual is strengthened, his relationships with himself and his colleagues are improved, as well as his relationships with the material environment. It is worth mentioning the electronic wheelchair, which is one of the most important applications of Assistive Technology, with a significant impact on occupational therapy intervention.

Purpose: The appropriate technological environment in the occupational therapy science is particularly crucial for the elimination of social inequalities, social exclusion and the promotion of the principles of social justice. The pur pose of this study is to highlight the role and contribution of the Assistive Technology in the occupational therapy environment against social inequalities.

Material and Method: The study was conducted through a review that included research, review articles and pa pers, concerning Assistive Technology at the national and international level, mainly published during the last twenty years. The research data derive from the bibliographic review of articles in Greek and English related to the subject in the electronic databases Med net, Google Scholar, Pubmed, Scopus with index words: “Assistive Technology”, “Occu pational Therapy”, “People with Disabilities”, “Social Ιnequalities”.

Results: The selection or development of an assistive technology is identified with the adoption of a process, which aims to meet the needs of the individual when he is involved in important activities in his daily activities. The failure to achieve this goal increases the risk of abandonment or underuse of often expensive devices. Therefore, it is not 

Category: Volume 63, Issue 1
Hits: 35 Hits
Created Date: 23-05-2024
Authors: Dr. Georgia Tsakni