Parental and health professionals' role in information of diagnosis in children with cancer

The aim of this study is to investigate the role of parents and health care professionals regarding to the information given to children with cancer about the diagnosis and treatment. The diagnosis of a chronic disease, such as cancer, is a highly stressful event for the child,as well as for their parents. Collaboration between health professionals and parents to provide appropriate information to the child and the active role of the child in the decision making process about the treatment can significantly reduce the anxiety of parents and children and promote the therapeutic alliance with healthcare professionals too. Οpen and direct communication between parents and health professionals with the child, the use of plain language and the proper training in addition to the preparation of parents can help to eliminate anxiety and stress, resulting to child’s better long-term adjustment to the chronic disease.

Category: Volume 54, N 4
Hits: 989 Hits
Created Date: 15-12-2015
Authors: Efthalia Karamoutsiou , Pantelis Perdikaris