The Role of Midwives in Smoking Cessation During Pregnancy and the Obstacles they Face

Introduction: Smoking has been designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a chronic recurrent disease but is actually a reversible risk factor which affects many unwanted complications during pregnancy and childbirth. The role of health professionals - and especially midwives - in smoking cessation during this period is crucial. Aim: To investigate - through a systematic review of the international literature - the role of the midwife in smoking cessation during pregnancy and the obstacles they face. Material and Method: A search was conducted in the Scopus online database, using the following keywords: "smoking cessation", "pregnancy", "midwife", both individually and in combination. The inclusion criteria for the studies were the following: (1) to be published over the past 10 years, (b) to be primary researches, (c) to be published in either English or Greek, (d) to have a sample consisting of adults. Results: The primary literature review initially identified a total of 215 studies, of which 10 were finally selected. The analysis of the studies found that the role of midwives in smoking cessation during pregnancy is both crucial and very effective. However, additional training in smoking cessation strategies for midwives is required. Conclusions: Smoking cessation at any stage of pregnancy is very beneficial for both the woman and the fetus. It is therefore necessary to train healthcare professionals in smoking cessation. This applies especially to midwives, since they are in constant contact with women during the perinatal period.

Category: Volume 59, N 2
Hits: 769 Hits
Created Date: 15-08-2020
Authors: Athina Diamanti , Antigoni Sarantaki , Aikaterini Lykeridou