Adherence to Medical Treatment. Evaluation Methods and Enhance Strategies

Background: Despite the intense development in the field of health care, with the aim of creating customized therapies, the issue of non-adherence to treatment continues to be an issue. The factors that lead to a lack of commitment are varied, depending on the patient, the socioeconomic environment, and the health care professionals. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the methods for evaluation of patients' adherence to treatment and it’s enhance strategies, taking into account the differences, the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Material and Method: A literature review was conducted on both Greek and English languages, through PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct and Google Scholar databases, using the key-words like "Compliance", "Adherence", "evaluation methods", “ enhance strategies” “health care professionals”. Results: The effects of non-adherence are significant at multiple levels, such as financial burden, commitment to patient care, and increased hospitalization. Improving patient adherence to treatment requires measures that can be taken at the level of good clinical practice, based on effective patient and health care provider communication, enhancing patients’ knowledge of their health problem. Simplifying treatment, limiting polypharmacy, and categorizing medications by dose can help especially patients with low levels of education or a mental illness. Monitoring and evaluation non-adherence, both directly and indirectly, should be another concern for nurses as they contribute to patients’ adherence enhancement. Conclusions: The study of patient adherence, although partially degraded, is a key factor for patient health and management at the inpatient and outpatient level.

Category: Volume 58, N 4
Hits: 521 Hits
Created Date: 15-12-2019
Authors: Panagiotis Theodosis-Nobelos , Evanthia Asimakopoulou , Maria Rikkou-Kalourkoti , Charalampos Triantis