Knowledge of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation about Disease and Treatment

Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most frequent arrhythmias of the heart and is characterized by high mortality with aging. The successful treatment of this disease requires the patients’ adherence to the treatment, which depends on the high level of their knowledge about the disease and the treatment. Aim: The highlighting of knowledge of patients with atrial fibrillation about the disease and its treatment through the systematic review of international literature. Material and Method: The database "PUBMED" was searched by using the appropriate keywords: "atrial fibrillation", "knowledge", "therapy", "education". The selection criteria for the articles search were the following: (a) published from 01/01/2005 to 31/12/2016, (b) published in English language, (c) studies in humans and (d) studies in patients aged ≥18 years. Results: From the literature search a total of 242 studies were found, 9 of which were finally selected. In all studies, the majority of patients had low knowledge level about the AF and the purpose of anticoagulant treatment. Regarding the patients knowledge about the therapeutic range of INR, the percentages were relatively high and almost similar in all studies. In some studies also, patients’ education was conducted by healthcare professionals (nurses, doctors) and was found to have a positive effect, with an increase in knowledge level of patients about the disease and its treatment. Conclusions: Patients’ knowledge about AF and its treatment is considered low. However, according to data research, educational interventions by healthcare professionals seem to improve the situation. Obviously, an application of specifically designed educational programs for patients with AF is necessary, with an emphasis on increasing their knowledge about the disease and its treatment.

Category: Volume 56, N 4
Hits: 975 Hits
Created Date: 15-12-2017
Authors: Antouela Gramos , Nikolaos V. Fotos , Hero Brokalaki