Knowledge and Attitude of Military Hospitals Staff Regarding the Donation and Storage of Cord Blood-Stem Cells

Background: Health professionals have an important role in informing and consulting prospective parents on the importance of donating umbilical cord blood and the storage options they have. Aim: of the study was to examine the knowledge and attitudes of Military Hospital Staff on storage and donating cord blood and on the use of stem cells. Method: Field work has been implemented in 200 Military Hospitals Staff of two hospitals in Athens, 401 Army Hospital and 417 Nimits Hospital. Data was collected by an anonymous questionnaire. The statistical analysis of the data was conducted by the statistical package of SPSS version 20, the questionnaire was conducted by the research team and it was completed by the participants in May 2012 during their shift. Results: More than half of the participants, 59.50%, were well informed of the purpose of storage of cord blood and stem cells. This rate was influenced by work situation, level of education and number of children they had. Main sources of information were media and internet. A percentage of 21,3%, has given cord blood and 8,7% has given mesenchymal stem cells for storage, of which 58.3% has selected private bank storage and 41.7% has donated their infant's cord blood to a public bank. Having a child with hematologic disease, in their own family or in a related family, did not influence their attitude. Conclusions: Educational programms must be conducted, in order to offer accurate and scientific consulting services to health professionals.

Category: Volume 55, N 3
Hits: 493 Hits
Created Date: 15-09-2016
Authors: Eleni Kornarou , Chrysanthi Polychronidou , Anastasia Barbouni , Eftychios Ktenas