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Category: Volume 61, Issue 3
Cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is a persistent, subjective sense of tiredness related to cancer or cancer treatment that interferes with ..
Category: Volume 60, N 2
Introduction: Both chemotherapy and cranial radiotherapy have a major impact on the occurrence of long-term effects, including cognitive effects. ..
Category: Volume 60, N 1
Introduction: Both the social distance and the quarantine associated with measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 significantly ..
Category: Volume 59, N 2
Introduction: One of the most well-known symptoms of chemotherapy in children is nausea and vomiting that can adversely affect ..
Category: Volume 51, N 4
Background: Many attempts have been made in recent years to eradicate hospital infections due to vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE), and ..