Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and the Psychosocial Problems of Patients

During the disease course of patients affected by the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), a variety of psychological reactions are observed, many of which are associated with psychosocial problems. These psychological disturbances appear to follow four phases: (a) Initial crisis, (b) transitional state, (c) deficiency state acceptance, and (d) preparation for death. Cooperation with and psychological support of both the patients and their families are major challenges for healthcare providers. Health education of these patients about self-protection, self-care and preventive measures in their social environment is essential. In addition, the guidance of the patients and encouragement in following their plan of treatment and in the implementation of necessary precautions and adoption of a healthy lifestyle are highly important for developing their psychological coping resources. All these procedures can help the patients to take control of their life, to overcome their feelings of fear and uncertainty and to better manage the psychosocial problems associated with their disease.

Category: Volume 54, N 2
Hits: 945 Hits
Created Date: 15-06-2015
Authors: Ioanna Chatzieleftheriou , Maria Kani