Diabetic foot Τhe role of nurse in prevention and effective treatment

Diabetic foot is one of the most common complications of diabetes mellitus, where there are noticed different macule and osteal problems in patients’ feet. Those problems include ulcerations and gangrene, which, if they are not treated properly, can lead to an amputation. The present paper highlights the role of nurse who works in diabetes care in prevention and effective treatment of diabetic foot. Specifically, this paper is referred to the role of nurse in education of people with diabetes, in order to prevent and effectively treat any complications in their feet. Additionally, there is made a reference to the role of nurse in psychological support of people with diabetes in order to participate in self-care activities and prevent any complications in their feet. Moreover, this paper supports the role of multidisciplinary team in diabetes in planning educational programmes for people with diabetes, which can provide them with the appropriate information concerning diabetes care. Research data support that people who have adequate information and education concerning diabetes care, have the ability to prevent and effectively treat any complications of their condition. Additionally, educational programmes improve not only patients’ knowledge concerning their condition, but also their ability about self-care activities.

Category: Volume 46, N 4
Hits: 538 Hits
Created Date: 15-12-2007
Authors: Stavroula K. Gerogianni , Georgia K. Gerogianni