Fragility Fractures Rehabilitation in Primary Health Care: Standards of Care in Nursing


  • Petros Kolovos


Rehabilitation has been recognized as an important aspect of the health care delivery and is embedded into the theory and practice of Nursing. The aim of this article is to articulate nurse’s roles and thus provide a foundation as to how a nurse should act in their professional role in rehabilitation of patients with fragility fractures in Primary Health Care (PHC). The typical nursing roles are described and include the nurse acting as caregiver, as educator and advocate, as coordinator of care and, finally, as investigator. Nurse provides care that reflects the needs of the individual, the family and the caregivers for assessment, appropriate intervention and health promotion, covering vital aspects of the care process during rehabilitation in PHC. The provided nursing care should incorporate the following essentials of best practice: accurate assessment and regular monitoring, symptoms control and management, assessment and management of risk, communication with the health care team, patient and family, education and health promotion and assessment of health outcomes. In collaboration with the patient, the family and other health care professionals, the nurse acts to improve the quality of the care provided, to maximize individual’s independence with fragility fracture and to facilitate the role of caregivers and significant others.

