Nursing students’ seeking information and bibliographic data
AIM The aim of the present study was to investigate how students search information and bibliographic data as well as the problems that they face as for the finding. MATERIAL-METHOD The material of our study constituted 600 students of three last semesters of nursing and midwifery departments of the Technological Educational Institution of Athens and Nursing Department of the Technological Educational Institution of Lamia. The statistical analysis performed with the SPSS statistical package and the method of x2 test. RESULTS Percentage of 90.3% uses the library, 70.3% the internet and 60.3% draws his information from their classmate. Most of the students use the books in frequency 78.3% and the 37.7% often use the scientific magazines. MEDLINE and CHINAL were used in percentage 5% and 17% respectively. Internet was first in the preference of male students (P=0.002), still the students prefer to use as source of information the congresses (P=0.001). Also statistical significant difference was found between the third and seventh semester as for the lack of familiarization (P≤0.001), as for the lack of time (P≤0.001) and also as for the disposal of time for search (P≤0.001). CONCLUSIONS Adequate percentage of students in nursing drew bibliographic data from all the sources they were available. Internet was first in the preference of male students. Significant difference was found between the third and seventh semester in relation to the lack of familiarization, and to available time and also to the disposal of time for search. Lack of time was the bigger problem that students faced.