Occupational hazards in the hospital A review of the greek studies
Health care workers are exposed to occupational hazards in a similar way with those working in any other workplace. Because of their risky nature, international literature is extensive. The aim of the present study was to determine the existence of Greek studies related to occupational hazards for the hospital staff, as well as to compare the findings with other similars cited in the international literature. An inquiry of the Greek and international literature was carried out through electronic databases search and scientific journals. The findings were studied by groups (physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, and psychosocial occupational hazards). Greek literature appears to be deficient, mainly concerning physical, chemical and biological occupational hazards. The main reason for the lack of Greek literature on occupational hazards in the health care sector is the absence of occupational heath services in Greek hospitals. The consequences of occupational exposure to ergonomic and psychosocial risk factors are better investigated. High percentages of low back pain, burn out and needlestick injuries have been recorded in Greece. Shift work, excessive noise levels and violent incidents are also prescribed as main risk factors but they have not been studied thoroughly. In their majority the findings of Greek literature are in accordance with international bibliography, which is, however, more complete.