Nursing of man as a unique person
In this article the following parameters are approached: The nursing science of man’s care (health, disease and nursing), man as a unique psychosomatic personal being, and view of the patient as a person. Nursing is a science and art of care. A synthesis of knowledge, philosophy, clinical work and interpersonal communication. Its practice requires knowledge, skills, and a system of higher values as these: responsibility, respect for human dignity and the sanctity of life, sacrifice, faith and love for man. Health and disease are lived by man as an indivisible psychosomatic being and consequently it is required an ever adapting nursing approach, without discrimination. Human beings are created by God, composed by body and soul, earthly and heavenly, temporary and eternal. Every one of us, however, is a unique, unrepeatable, irreplaceable person, different from any other who has lived or is living or will ever live. In the inestimable value and uniqueness of man as a person whom we serve, is based the ecumenical mission of nursing in today’s world.