The effect of spiritual life in the health of the individual


  • Evagelia Kotrotsiou
  • Efthymios Tzounis


Nowadays, much has been said about the way spirituality affects health. The aim of this study was both the semantic approach of the terms religiosity, spirituality, faith, hope and to indicate the way in which spirituality affects the health conditions and the mood of patients. In the bibliography, many terms considering spirituality are indicated and it is accentuated that its nature cannot be described by words and notions. Words or notions that approach the concept of spirituality are: love, courage, forgiveness and peace. Religion, as an international phenomenon often becomes the object of scientific interest. Nevertheless, there is not an accord about the determination of the term until nowadays. Generally, religions have their roots in the need of the ultimate human to find the ulterior meaning of existence, which is the meaning of a superior power in it that creates the path to the moral and social attitude of the person. When the higher being is personalized then apocalypses come to the scenery. Research has proved that people with high standards of spiritual euphoria, have shown lower levels of anxiety and come across their illness with more optimism. Research related to the issue of faith has shown that religious people are happier and more satisfied from their lives or that they share more positive feelings for other people. The notion of hope consists in the interaction of thought, sentiment and action and it is directed towards a future self satisfaction. In the bibliography, it is apparent that in situations of severe corporal disability, hope can support patients through specific means, like praying. Nurses should adjust the care conditions according to the spiritual needs of their patients.



