How do parents evaluate the health care provided to their hospitalized children
Aim: of this study was to estimate parents’ opinion ac - cording to provided health care. MATERIAL-Method: The study population consisted 378 parents of whose children have been hospitalized in paediatric hospitals. The data was collected through an anonymous structured questionnaire while the statistical analysis was based on the statistical package SPSS 10 including x2 test. Results: Mean age of parents was 31.8 years. 55% of parents were Greek, while 38.6% were Albanian. 93.9% of parents considered the care of their child in the hospital quite good to excellent. Albanian parents, considered the provided care in paediatric hospitals (P<0.001) better compared with Greeks. Housewives and workmen fathers considered better the provided care in their children, compared with other occupations (P=0.013). Parents that their children have been hospitalized in a surgical or orthopaedic ward considered the care in these wards better, compared with the pathological ward (P<0.001) than those who were higher educated. Finally, parents that had lower educational level considered the provided care in their children better (P<0.001). Conclusions: Study has showed that according to parents’ opinion the provided health care in paediatric hospitals is quite good. However, there are still difficulties that should be confronted with the co-operation between parents and nurse staff.