Primary Health Care in Greece Compared to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands


  • Theano Kalaouzi
  • Ηelen Kornarou


Introduction: Since the early 20th century, investigation was developed and health strategy was set, based on providing well-organized Primary Care (PC) systems. Purpose: The purpose of this review is to compare Primary Health
Care (PHC) among Greece, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, by analyzing its structure, process and outcome,
according to the approach suggested by Kringos DS et al, (Kringos DS et al 2010). Material and Method: The methodology was online systematic literature review using PUBMED and official international, European and national data
sources that was conducted between September and December 2016. Keywords were Primary Health Care, Greece,
the UK, England and the Netherlands. Criteria for selecting a study for the review were the correlation with the issue
and its publication within the last five years. Finally, the size of the sample amounted to 130 articles and books. Results: In Greece, after the recent ineffective health care reform, governance of health, in general, and PC, in particular, is fragmented. General economic condition is difficult. PC is inefficient in all its dimensions. However, the current period
might be the appropriate to launch an ambitious reform, which will be also directed towards the improvement of PC.
In the United Kingdom, health systems, after their reforms, which were completed in late 2014 - early 2015, seem to
work quite well, given their low funding. They are based on gate-keeping by General Practitioners (GPs). Their innovations are nurses’ empowerment and GP commissioning. Ιn the Netherlands, several reforms have also taken place,
in recent years. Innovations were added to the traditional term of GPs and their gate-keeping, such as global social
health private insurance, PC groups, the adoption of evidence-based guidelines based on the use of modern technology and digitized information. As a result, a strong, qualitative and efficient PC was built. Conclusion: In general, the
Netherlands and the United Kingdom are characterized by strong PC systems and can provide valuable experience
and extensive expertise for Greece, whose PC is elementary






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