Pilot study of risk assessment of occupational hazards in the hospital sector

Aim: The study aimed to explore midwives’ opinions. In hospital sector, workers are exposed to multiple biological, chemical, physical, ergonomic and other hazards. Hazard identification and assessment, as a structured and systematic procedure, although it is obligatory by law in Greece, does not take place. In many other working areas, the development and application of a risk assessment methodology is in place. There are studies referring to single hazards in hospital area, but not to the total problem, neither to an assessment methodology. This article suggests a prototype method, adjusted to the characteristics of the hospital as a workplace, which is a tool of designing the strategy for confronting occupational hazards. A cross sectional study was designed, using multiple triangulation, by different data sources and methods (observation, questionnaire, measurements). MATERIAL-Method: A tool was developed, which consists of three parts: (a) An Inspection Checklist on Health and Safety Hazards, (b) an Occupational Health and Safety Staff Questionnaire, (c) a Hazard Identification and Action Record sheet, which was tested and found reliable and valid for its purpose. Results: Questionnaires were distributed to 50 hospital workers (nurses and doctors). 39 (78%) completed and returned them. They were 32 women and 7 men, from 25 until 55 years old. Correlation coefficient Cronbach’s α was very high (0.90). Conclusions: The proposed methodology, which aims to the identification and evaluation of hazards, entails the promotion of staff awareness in health and safety issues, and can contribute to the enforcement of relevant legislation, and to the existence of a safer, more efficient and effective working place, such as the hospital.

Category: Volume 45, N 3
Hits: 1189 Hits
Created Date: 15-09-2006
Authors: Styliani Tziaferi , Panayota Sourtzi , Emmanuel Velonakis